Friday, February 26, 2010

Come Next Monday...

So there's this old (ha!) country song from 1990 that I've always really liked.

Come Next Monday
K.T. Oslin

Come next Monday
I'm goin' to bed early
I won't talk dirty for a week or two
Goin' on a diet
Just like sugar, honey
Come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you

X-rays show some
Excess baggage
Too much work for a little heart to do
Is never easy baggage
But come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you

Ain't gonna call you
After a day or two
Ain't gonna miss you honey
An even if i do

I'll never tell you
You'll never ever know
How hard it is
To let you go

Come next Monday
I hope I'm a little bit stronger
Some of the Mondays that I've been through
Temptation Tuesday
Might be sorry
But come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you

Come next Monday
I'm goin' to bed early
I wont talk dirty for a week or maybe two
I'm goin' on a diet
Just like sugar, honey
Come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you

This song was running through my head this morning.
While I was singing it to myself I had a revelation,
and while it should be painfully obvious,

it just dawned on me why I like this song so much:
It's about me!
My name is Marie and I am a chronic procrastinator.
I need to go to bed earlier.
I should really quit cussing.
I really need to eat better and exercise more.
Among (many) other things.
And I am soooo good at putting it off until another day.

So I guess what I'm saying is,
it's time to start.

Now, and not Monday...

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Sometimes I think you're me, just in a different body.