So, this year I'm setting some betterment goals to help me learn some positive new habits. These are things that need to be done, and things that I need to work on this year and every year. And I'm getting Cam in on this, too.
So, for the new year, and for the long haul, beginning in 2009, I will:
- Get in shape! We have been able to figure out some out of whack things in my body that have been making my life miserable, and we've come up with a solution that is FINALLY helping me to lose some of this nasty, stupid, mean, stubborn weight. Now the trick is actually getting in shape. Cam and I both really enjoy getting out into the wild and hiking about. The goal here is to be able to be my hiker chick self without getting too winded and side-achy. That is no fun, and me no likey.
- Simplify! We have too much crap sitting around our house that we don't use, or don't use often enough to justify keeping. So, off to D.I. it goes. Or, if you know anyone who wants an old (but still decent, though no matter how much we clean it, still smells slightly like dog) vaccuum with hose and hardwood floor cleaning attachment, let me know.
- Cook! We both like to cook. However, we hate our kitchen. Whoever designed it totally sucks. We have ZERO counter space, which is really discouraging when you want to prepare a meal. So we're going to move some things around, see if we can't figure out some system that will give us some more space to cook. It's just too easy to eat out a lot, where it's just the two of us. But the benefits of cooking far out-weigh the convenience of spending our hard earned cash in a restaurant. More cooking=healthier meals and lower food costs, and that will help with:
- Follow a Budget! We have stupid debt and we don't save money very well at all. To help remedy this, I have enrolled us in Zions Bank's free 3 month trial of Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover program. I have made a budget. We are going to stick with it. And we are going to pay down our debts and save for a rainy day! Hooray!
There you have it. Should be easy, right? We shall see. Here's to starting 2009 off right! Wish me luck!
Luck! Those are very good habits to get into...some of them I need to work on!
Good luck Weez! The key about new years resolutions, put them up somewhere that you will see them daily. Don't file them away and hope that you'll remember them. You have to read them everyday and keep moving forward with them. You will have days when you don't follow your resolutions, but it's alright, you're only human! :) I have faith in you! And...once you and Cam are in excellent physical condition, you should come up and stay with me and Jon so you can hike in Glacier National Park!!!
Good luck with your resolutions! I never set any because I'm like you used to be and never follow through with them. I should follow your example and set some though. Best of luck!
Hey... this is how our debt was taken away over the summer! Harrison and I are TOTAL Dave Ramsey missionaries. We freaking love him! Go Marie! I totally have your back and you can call me anytime if you need to be talked out of buying something :)
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